As we're approaching the end of September, this can often be a time when we consider taking part in one of the many October Art challenges online. This year, I have teamed up with fellow Skillshare Top Teacher and all round lovely person Shelley Skail to bring you #mindfultober - an art challenge with a difference!

This is intended to be a low stress approach to an October Art challenge where the focus is taking a breath, and creating some lovely art mindfully at your own pace.

October can be the start of what I fondly term ‘silly season’ which starts with the October half term school holiday (if you’re in the UK!) followed by Halloween, then Guy Fawkes, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and then…. CHRISTMAS! Phew…

We would like this art challenge to not feel quite so challenging, but actually just give you a really nice opportunity to carve out a bit of time to yourself to be creative and enjoy the process.

The Prompts

There are just 4 prompts which are very broad and can be interpreted in absolutely any medium, and any way you wish. There is no requirement to do them all - you can pick your favourite, or have a go at all 4. The prompts are:

  1. Circle

  2. Intertwine

  3. Tiny

  4. Shadow

How the challenge works

  1. Post your artworks based on the prompts throughout October on Instagram using the hashtag #mindfultober2023

  2. Make sure you tag both Shelley @shelleyskail and I @melrye on Instagram so that we can see your gorgeous art!

  3. Save the image below and re-post it when you share your art (it can be the second image!)

  4. Let us know in your image caption how you found the process - reflect on how you felt, or how you approached the artwork mindfully

  5. Feel free to interpret the prompts however you like, using whatever medium you enjoy!


We are giving away 2 yearly Skillshare premium memberships, which will be chosen at random from all qualifying entries. Each artwork you share gives you an entry into the draw (limited to one entry per prompt!), so the more you share, the more chances you have of winning!

Low on creative mojo?

If you’d love to join in but are feeling stuck or uninspired, both Shelley and I will be posting draw-along tutorials on our YouTube channels throughout the month, so feel free to join us that way!

I can’t wait! 




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